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Halloween and Politics?

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:29 pm
by MacPhantom
Hi gang. New member here. Long time Halloween nutter, first time poster.

Two things in life I'm very passionate about: Halloween and Politics. Since Halloween is always the last day of October, and election day is always the first Tuesday in November, my political yard signs always become a part of my Halloween graveyard. But the problem I've encountered is that I'm a liberal living in a pretty conservative town, so on even numbered years, I tend to get less trick-or-treaters (and since there isn't a sidewalk in front of my house, I don't get as many as I'd like to begin with). I also tend to have more vandalism of my decorations during major election years (last year, someone shot holes through my Obama sign with a paintball gun, and threw eggs at my leprous pirate who happened to be standing near by). Anybody else have any secondary hobbies or interests that conflict with your Halloween happiness?

Overall, the reaction to my yard every fall is still overwhelmingly positive, and I was horrified last year by the news story about the woman who asked trick-or-treaters who their parents were voting for, and only gave candy to the kids of the same political party. I would never let my political views interfere with the fun time Halloween is supposed to be. But I feel that as a patriotic American, I gotta put up signs for my candidates, and as a major Halloweenie, ghoulies and ghosties have to hold those signs.



P.S. - Here is the Youtube video from my 2008 graveyard. I'd post 2007, but Youtube blocked it cause of the song I used, so I have to re-edit and re-post it. Let me know what y'all think.

Re: Halloween and Politics?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:16 pm
by jadewik
Please don't take this the wrong way-- but why don't you remove your political signs for the evening of October 31st? If you don't think politics belongs in Halloween or trick-or-treating, why even keep the signs up that day? By incorporating them into your decor, whether you realize it or not, you're mixing Halloween with politics. If you really want to keep the holiday politically clean, just take them down for an evening.

If you want a second opinion... why not ask people, this year, if the signs bother them? It could just be the minority being mean to be mean... but then you have to ask yourself if you want to leave your signs out there and open to destruction. It's the same sort of question I ask myself when I decide whether or not to leave a pumpkin outside...

Re: Halloween and Politics?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:28 pm
by adrian
that is terrible that some adults act that way (i'm reffering to the "who did your parents vote for?" statement) it really baffles me

i agree though, i say if the signs are causing problems, then remove them just for halloween night. unless you don't mind the distruction then by all means keep them up :)

i've never had any problems like this before though.

after work i'm going to check out your yard haunt :) and yes post 2007 soon! i'll keep checking back

Re: Halloween and Politics?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:30 pm
by MacPhantom
Thanks for your concern, mate, but you don't have to worry about me taking what you say the wrong way. I never take owt anybody says to me or about me personally. I am literally (and I use the word "literally" literally, not figuratively, as some people mean when they say "literally) incapable of being offended. It's a birth defect. :wink:

You know, it's interesting...The idea of taking down my signs never even crossed my mind. Maybe I'm foolishly optimistic, but I truly believe Americans should be able to hold differing political views and still treat each other with civility and respect. Politics for me is, in one way, like sports are for most people. When I see someone with a sign for my team, part of me goes "yay!", and when I see a sign for the other team, part of me goes "boo!" But another part of me sees a political sign, for either my team or the other one, and goes "Yay! There's someone who cares enough about their country and the world around them to express their right to free speech! Awesome!" I feel like sign vandalism is a form of terrorism. The goal of the vandal is to threaten or scare someone into not expressing their freedom of speech; to make them so afraid of retribution that they just keep quiet. I don't think I could ever let that happen. And from a practical standpoint, putting up and taking down my signs isn't as easy as just pulling little plastic signs off a metal stake. I put up giant ones, with posts sunk in the ground, and, unfortunately, barbed wire up and down the sides (every election I put up signs without barbed wire, and every time they get yanked down overnight, so I reluctantly fetch the wire and staple gun). Taking them down for one night would be too much work.

No, I fully understand that the integration of political signs into my graveyard is mixing Halloween with politics. I don't think there is necessarily anything wrong with that. My Halloween decorations say "I love Halloween!" and my political signs say "I support my candidate!", and I can't understand why anybody should take either of those statements so personally that it drives them to break the law and try to terrorize their fellow citizens. I think people ought to be able to disagree without being disagreeable. Some of us like Snickers, and some of us like Reese's Peanut-Butter Cups, but we shouldn't have to hate each other over it. Cause when you come right down to it, it's all cocoa, sugar, and peanuts, isn't it? :)

Re: Halloween and Politics?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:53 am
by adrian
i completely understand. in these times, people have gotten so evil. they're mis lead and completely lost. i can't see why someone would be so defensive and offensive about their own opinions and the opinions of others. there isn't one thing wrong with what you do. they're the ones who should be punished :)

Re: Halloween and Politics?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:10 pm
by jadewik
Since taking the sign down isn't an option, I recommend covering it up-- maybe with a black plastic tablecloth with the name of your haunt painted on it? Right now, there's a lot of political backlash... and I always say it's better to be safe than sorry. Especially if you're worried about the signs getting vandalized.

I understand the thinking behind people recognizing others' political views, but the signs still scream "politics". Ideally, you'd be able to talk politics and religion with people without getting into a fight, but not everyone is as understanding as you when it comes to seeing the world with a different mind-set. One political party will bash another. Someone of one religion will bash someone of another. That's just how the world is, like it or not... understand it or not. This is one instance where rose-colored glasses should be removed because people just aren't that understanding.

I'm glad you get excited about politics... but to me (and probably others) keeping the sign visible is just the same as saying "Vote for [candidate name]" when you're handing out candy. Who knows... maybe by covering it for one night you'll get fewer eggs thrown at your house.

Re: Halloween and Politics?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:48 am
by MacPhantom
We can look at the world, and say "This is how it should be, but it's not, and will never be, so I won't try to change it", or we can look at it and say "This is how it should be, and though it isn't now, I'm not gonna give up. I'm gonna work to make it better." If I take down my signs or cover them up, I'm telling people "All you have to do is break the law, vandalize, threaten, intimidate, and you can silence other people". If I leave them up, eggs, bullet holes, and all, I say to them "Bad behavior will not be rewarded". When good and civilized people remain quiet, bullies rule the world, and I can't in good conscience let that happen.

Luckily, it's a moot point this year, since not even my Representative is up for re-election this time around! But I do appreciate all your advice, even if I can't take it.



Re: Halloween and Politics?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:04 pm
by adrian
heck i'm with you!! but i'm stubborn and like things "my way"

Re: Halloween and Politics?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:55 pm
by MacPhantom
Don't we all, Adrian.... don't we all... :wink:

Re: Halloween and Politics?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:42 pm
by adrian
you bet! i can't help it! if its what i want its how things are going to be lol