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Dennis Prager on Halloween 2006

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:31 pm
by One Eye'd Jack
Dennis Prager is TRULY a mentor of mine and I've been listening to him for years. I've read all of his books and I have countless hours of his seminars either on casstette or CD.

Here is what he said about HALLOWEEN last year.

I hope you'll be able to listen to it. I'm not sure if you're going to have to install something or not but, it should just be a direct feed thing.
He does a live broadcast on EVERY Holiday (except Presidents day) about that Holiday so, I'm sure he'll have something more to say on Halloween, tomorrow.

You can listen to him live on KTROam910 from 9am to Noon pacific or find him on your local radio station.
He's always interesting and always provocative. I hope you'll take the time and enjoy what he has to say.

Thanks, and Happy Halloween!