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Costume Wishlist

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:34 pm
by magickbean
Hey Spooky Friends :)

I came up with a bit of a brainwave earlier when I was scouring eBay for some things for my costumes. This year I am making at least 2 costumes and there are some base clothes and accessories that I need to find. Ideally I would like to use second hand or unwanted pieces of clothing/jewellery etc because it's fun to recycle! Plus it helps keep the cost down, and that means I can spend more on the decorations ;)

So, what I'm proposing is this -

This thread is a Halloween Costume Wishlist. It's a place to post an advertisement for any pieces of specific clothing or accessories that you are looking for in order to make or complete your Halloween Costume! Then other people on the forum who may have what you need can contact you about either selling it to you/ giving it to you or trading it for one of your own costume pieces!

I'll start the ball rolling with my wishlist. Does anyone happen to have...?

Purple fabric
Thick gold fabric
A gold tiara
Brightly coloured feathers
Gold sandals

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:43 pm
by LawP
Great idea Magickbean! I have gobs of fabric but I'm sure you can find something in your area - thrift store or someting similar.

My wish list includes:

Victorian era ladies clothing - middle class, not fancy
Long, pink nighty - scooped neck, long sleeves or capped - silky
Bat necklace

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:55 pm
by Dr Strange
I don't have any of the items that have been asked for so far, sorry. If anyone has an XL green, or red sweater I can customize into a Freddy sweater I'd like to know. Thanks.

By the way magickbean, your avatar's cleavage is very distracting. :shock:

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:40 pm
by magickbean
LawP what sort of fabric do you have? I'm planning to get many different strips of random fabric that are about 2inches wide and 5inches long to sew onto the dress, so if you have any offcuts I would be really interested! Especially if they are earthy colours?

Dr Strange I actually have quite a large dark green knitted jumper that you could have for free if you are ok to pay for the postage, but I'm not sure it would be what you are looking for - it's a rollneck? :o

:oops: Sorry Dr Strange I've had this little chick in my pics folder for about 6 years and thought she would make a cool avatar because she blinks and opens her mouth to reveal fangs (you can't really see it so clearly because I've shrunk her) but I didn't think about the cleavage.... ooops hope it doesn't distract you all too much :lol:

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:22 am
by LawP
Magickbean, printed fabric or plain? I have a tub full of scrap fabric.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:15 pm
by Dr Strange
Any chance you could post a pic of the sweater?? :?:

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 4:39 pm
by Dutchess of Darkness
Hey Magickbean, What a wonderful idea, good going girl! :wink: I don't have anything like what anyone is looking for, but I could come across something like that at all the different thrift stores, especally Value Village that I frequent, so what should I do then :?:
But I will keep my eyes open for what others are looking for.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:27 pm
by magickbean
LawP ooohh I'm looking for both really! I'm making a dress like this:


So any earthy tones or reds would be great! And patterns that are sort of paisley or flowery are good too :) I want to make it really bulky with lots of random bits of fabric!

Dr Strange I'll take a pic of it and post it up tomorrow :)

Dutchess of Darkness ooh you are so lucky! We have very few thrift stores in the city that I live in now. If you ever see any of the things on my list that you think are a real bargain and you want to pick it up I would happily reimburse you - if it turns out to not be suitable there's always eBay ;)

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:19 pm
by MHooch

the very first time I saw this character in Pirates I said to the hubby: "That would be an AWESOME Halloween costume!"

You go girl!!

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:00 am
by witchy
I also loved this costume, anything with Pirates is way cool. Witchy

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:14 am
by mandy0221
LOVE that costume idea. I wish I could say I had some of the items you are looking for but I do not.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 8:32 pm
by magickbean
Just wanted to update this thread a bit - I have now found the corset top I wanted from eBay (only cost 99p too - score! :D) and I have also found the POTC necklace I wanted :)

Still after the other few things though.

LawP - do you still have lots of little scraps of fabric? I thought maybe I could make you a bat necklace and swap it for some of your fabric scraps - what do you think? :)

Dr. Strange - I have looked high and low for that jumper and I am so sorry, I don't think I brought it with me when I moved to Brighton :( I'm sure you will probably find something more suitable anyway. I know that H&M actually sold a huge, thick striped red-and-black jumper just like Freddy's last year - maybe scout eBay for it? :)

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:58 am
by One Eye'd Jack
OH! You just HAD to show a pic of Tia Dalma! I tell ya, there is just SOMEthing about that woman!!!! HUVAVAVAVA!

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 7:35 pm
by magickbean
lol OEJ! She's very alluring, isn't she? I'm hoping to capture that sultry essence of her character when I host my party ;)

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:57 pm
by magickbean
Ok I have updated my wishlist and would like to add:

LawP - I have found a brilliant large silver coloured bat necklace in my local fancy dress shop for £3.99 ($7.99) would you like me to get it for you or have you got that one sorted??