Any ideas for me?
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:15 am
Okay so I'll give u some examples of costumes I like/have worn. Of course I have only just started wearing these kinds of costumes, but whatever. So last Halloween I was this scary demented killer Scare Crow lmao, and the year before that I was this black death type guy. I'll explain the kinda costumes. The death one was just ALL black and the face was like a greyish demented guy-thingie, Lol, and then the ScareCrow was like a scarecrow face with scars and a twisted smile and then I had a sickle that went with it, and like of course just what a scarecrow would wear (plain brownish grey pants with a grey/red shirt). I have no idea what to be this year and I would like some ideas of scary costumes or like some more demented/hideous looking creatures. I was thinking of buying a bunch of fake nails and putting them on me like Final Destination 3 Nail Gun death, but I dont know how that would work so I was wondering if anyone had any backup plans for me?