Horror Remakes: You hate them?

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Re: Horror Remakes: You hate them?

Post by OctoberChill » Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:38 am

I like this one. It's not at all in the same vein as the original but it's great for 80's nostalgia.

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Re: Horror Remakes: You hate them?

Post by iHaunt » Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:05 am

Still getting tired of more new upcoming horror remakes?? :twisted:

Well I heard they are going to do the remake on "I Spit On Your Grave". :roll: :oops: Also, they will do "Pet Semetary" remake. WTH??? :|

Anyway, if you guys and gals do know any more horror remakes are on their way then please feel free to post here anytime!

Thanks a lot,
iHaunt :D

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Re: Horror Remakes: You hate them?

Post by metallica_87 » Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:09 pm

Hmmmm.... I really just don't know about remakes.

On one hand, it is heart warming to see such interest in it again. It give us horror "freaks" something to look forward to, and gives us horror fans with kids something to bond with/over. Also, I've noticed that with the interest in horror remakes, not only are the older originals getting more wide spread, and more readily available releases in places like like Wal-mart (They have a huge selection of horror movies year round, and more around halloween every year), but I also see the trend that with the horror boom, Halloween is starting to come around again, and getting back its old-school feel and reputation. Its almost like as people and kids become more desensitized to horror, and the more they're allowed to see, the more they get into it, and see how to apply it to halloween. Up until, what I'd say is 05, we used to get around maybe 20 - 45 kids halloween night, which is decent at best, but as of 08, we saw about 150 to 200 kids per halloween night.

On the other hand, its detrimental on many levels. For one, people like Form, Fuller and Nispel are making "half-butted"(PG version) movies, and getting away with it. I could see if the remakes were any good, but most are lackluster to downright bad, and their getting praised for shoddy work. That just inspires laziness with other directors, and more and more bad remakes get made. Not to say that every once in a while there isn't a gem released, but most just fall flat on their face. Also, with all the remakes, its makes the big horror companies scared to release anything they think won't make money, which cuts down on original horror movies getting made and released. Instead we get things like Twilight, and a mediocre remake of Nightmare On Elm St. Lastly, with the same thinking, it also really limmits what gets remade as well. Leave the modern masterpieces like Nightmare, Friday, Halloween, American Werewolf In London alone for now, as they still hold up. Lets remake like Phibes, Diary of A Madman, Cat People, The Old Dark House, White Zombie, Werewolf of London, Freaks, The Man Who Laughs and Murders In The Rue Morgue. Those need remaking, as most are either completely forgotten about or are too old and fragile to transfer to DVD and remaster due to high probability of damaging the film.

Its a two sided blade I guess. Take what you can, and ignore what you don't want.

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