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Splice (some spoilers)

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:44 pm
by DemonSlayerMau
Alright, I didn't see a topic for this. I thought there was one, but evidently I was wrong. Anyway, I saw it today. I'd classify it as a science fiction/horror film. It involves these two scientists who were denied permission to bio-engineer a creature with human DNA. They end up doing it anyway, and the creature ends up going rabid and killing everyone. Well, almost everyone. Sounds like your typical science fiction horror really.
I liked the design of the creature, but I REALLY don't like what happened to the cat. Why is it that every horror movie lately involves killing a cat? Anyway when the creature killed the cat, I didn't feel disappointed that the creature died.
It did well as a horror film, there were some psychological and ethical issues touched based on it, some foreshadowing that was done well. Some of the plot was a little confusing, they didn't really go into details on which animal DNA was used, it was like they just threw some human DNA into the mix, and came out with a creature. It was revealed that "Dren" the monster, had the same DNA as these two other creatures that the scientists created.
There's some inappropriate content that I wouldn't recommend for anyone under the age of 18. Also, there just wasn't enough blood shed for me. I was kind of hoping for more creature killing scenes, but there wasn't really a lot of killing until the very end.
Originality, well I know cloning has been touched based on before, and it seemed to be handled kind of like that. It's your typical, scientist creates creature, creature turns on the scientist. The creature itself has some originality, but it's not like the story itself hasn't been told and retold again.
Anyway, I would've enjoyed the movie more if no cats were harmed in the film.
It was however, an effective horror movie, and while there was a monster involved, there was more psychological terror than anything.

Re: Splice (some spoilers)

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:50 pm
by MacPhantom
I like both Adrian Brody and Sarah Polley. I'll definitely rent it when it comes out on DVD.