Hi Folks:
This is definately an off topic post, as are the photos I will post in two more threads, so I am posting it here. Basicaly, I have mentioned a few times, all the wonderful memories I have of the Hill Top drive in Movie theatre in Joliet illinols. Now abandoned and vandelized, the Hill Top is not even a ghost of it's former self. I am asking, am BEGGING that if any one can help, either with a monitary donation or through spreading the word, please do so. The Harvest Moon Drive in is where I recently rekindled my lofe of this all but extinct American icon. I am posting the images of the Hill Top in the hopes of appealing to you all. I realize there are much more worthy causes, but the Harvest Moon is truely a 'living museum' of a bygone era. If you want to help, their web site is: http://www.theharvestmoondrivein.com.
Save the Harvest Moon Drive In
Non-Halloween related stuff. Same rules: family oriented, no flaming, be nice. 

- Pumpkin_Man
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