I've heard of the idea of stopping Saturday delivery but if the American Postal Workers Union has it's way we may lose the US Mail altogether. A sign of the times, I guess.
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep, and I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep. Did you hear me butterfly? Miles to go before you sleep."
My husband & I are in our 50s. We remember when Saturday delivery was a new thing. The mail used to come five days a week. We could go back to that schedule painlessly, I think.
My grandpa showed me the newspapers about "No more mails!" I got mad so I hope they will not close the post office! But, what about the shipping package and box from UPS and FedEx?
Mailing advertisements, bills, and regular mail will slow to an eventual stop. In fifty years everyone will have a computer, young and old. The Net will be the new post office, aside from things ordered online.
"He didn't just eat their bodies, he ate their souls."