Cyber Security

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Cyber Security

Post by NeverMore » Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:18 pm

I'm moving this conversation over here for obvious reasons. Plus, we're all online, it's stuff we should all know.

Demonic Duck wrote:You should definitely change services then if you are losing service that frequently. I just meant to make sure you know that your important shows are included in your new service. Additionally if you are using Internet Explorer please make sure it is always up to date as the older versions are full of vulnerabilities to let baddies in. I do suggest switching to Mozilla's Firefox or Google's Chrome. I use Chrome it is a no nonsense fast browser. Good luck in your switch.
NeverMore wrote:Man DD! I keep trying to tell people that. My buddy just yesterday told me he never updates Windows. I tried to explain to him that hackers are always trying to find ways to get into your computers and that those updates are Microsoft's way of patching the holes that they find. Sometimes the updates change features or cause new problems but better safe than sorry.

Mike, I agree with DD. Firefox or Chrome. IE gets a lot of attention from the hackers since it's so widely used. Versions 8 & 9 are much safer though.
Demonic Duck wrote:I read a quote about IE somewhere online "Browsing Internet Explorer is like having s** with a prostitute without a condom"(not a family friendly quote but accurate)
Whoa! Is nothing sacred? Now they figured out a way to use our own phones against us? Be careful of the apps you install on your phones.

This isn't out in the wild yet but now that they know it can be done you can bet some hacker is drooling.

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