Andybev01 wrote:My Ultra conservative Christian family Would have a heart attack If I showed up to Easter brunch In a wizard costume
' Swedish Easter Wizard' Would be a great name for a rock band.
I think I've heard that Cinco de Mayo (sp?) gets celebrated more in the U.S. than in Mexico, where it is more of a regional holiday.
Guy Fawlkes, of course, has nothing at all to do with Thanksgiving. It is a cultural memory of the Jacobean Gun Powder Plot, when people thought Roman Catholics (led by GF, I guess) were trying to blow up the British Houses of Parliament. With its bonfires, its burning Guy Fawlkes in effigy, and its door-to-door begging "a penny for the guy," it has had more in common with Halloween than anything else.
I'm pretty sure the Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving because we do. They got the idea from us, but set it in October since their growing season is shorter. For us, Thanksgiving was a type of harvest festival that (some) people in England (probably religious dissenters) had been celebrating for some time. It became institutionalized for us, I suppose, because we were a nation founded by many people who had fled here to escape religious persecution.