by TK421 » Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:09 pm
A junction box, or harness box, is the safest way to go because it will seal in the individual wires, secure them all to a central set, and allow for one wall plug to come out.
The cheap way to do it is to just use some electrical twist connectors and put all 5 leads, plus the wall cord lead, together and twist. Do that for both the positive and neutral, and you've got a plug. It's not as contained or safe as a junction box, but it's really cheap.
I suggest you go to Radio Shack (or similar store) and see what they have for connectors. You might also be able to get a harness plug. This would allow you to put each hot wire into a specific socket, then join the sockets for the plug end. In this senario, you have the added bonus of being able to remove the plug-in cord, but keep the candelabra wiring intact. This might help for storage.
Remember, it's never too early to start planning for Halloween.