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Decorating in the City? Tips and Hints?
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:07 am
by OneilMustach
I live in the first floor of a six apartment three level apartment building in South Philly. It's a one bedroom/one living room and I was wondering what those who, in the similar situations, do to better make their place a bit more halloween ready!?
Re: Decorating in the City? Tips and Hints?
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:52 pm
by Rising Dead Man
Just put Halloween decorations in it. Make your apartment look like the inside of a haunted house. Put spider webs all over the place, ghosts hanging from the ceiling. Anything you think would make it look haunted.
Re: Decorating in the City? Tips and Hints?
Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:19 am
by OneilMustach
I guess I should've been more specific. Few things, one windows. Any tips on making city windows look genuinely creepy and two, not so much decorating, but, are there a lot of tick-or-treaters in the city? Last year I lived in a massive condominium complex and got no trickortreaters. now that I'm in a neighborhood of sorts, I still know it's a city, but will it be much different. There are two apts per-floor so I'm not sure how kids'd get inside to even make the rounds.