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My Giant Friend (a poem about an oak i was raised around)

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:50 am
by adrian
Post, to etch, carve, to sting my name into the hunk of your body, the wood, you tall oak
My friends first, Marc, Ali, Kristin, now me.... an arrow to Kristin
You've seen us do many things my friend.. you were here when i was carried in
The giant in your structure was my shelter from many sun burns
You let us build our hide a way here, our fort, right onto your bones... and to my suprise, our fort still stands
its usually this time of year when i appreciate you most
I love your feathers. the glamour in their death is amazing and most wonderful. you seem more alive when its time to shed them, litter the ground below you.
stretch those aching fingers now, bare, bold, and old
stretch your feet up and down, in and out of our grass... a couple of trips never hurt anyone
tall oak, giant friend, you've been here this whole time... 22 halloweens now... this year you look better than ever!

Re: My Giant Friend (a poem about an oak i was raised around)

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:11 pm
by ancient whitelighter
I really like this poem, Adrian! I absolutely love trees...aren't they wonderful :D

Re: My Giant Friend (a poem about an oak i was raised around)

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:42 pm
by adrian
thank you and yes :) i'm quite a naturist :)

Re: My Giant Friend (a poem about an oak i was raised around)

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:08 pm
by MyersFan1
Great job Adrian! I am naturist as well, nothing beats the outdoors and its living specimens.

Re: My Giant Friend (a poem about an oak i was raised around)

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:27 am
by Belladonna
Beautifully written, Adrian!

I do believe we are nature worshipers here.

I've moved around too much, being a Marine brat, that I never had that big old tree that welcomed me when I was born and is still my friend today.
But now there is a huge oak in the yard that I feel comfy around. Like a Grandfather, I feel he watches over me.
I've spent many days leaning against it with a book...lying under it in the hammock.
It's become a good friend.

Re: My Giant Friend (a poem about an oak i was raised around)

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:46 am
by adrian
MyersFan1 wrote:Great job Adrian! I am naturist as well, nothing beats the outdoors and its living specimens.

thanks bud! its been a minute since we've chatted

Re: My Giant Friend (a poem about an oak i was raised around)

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 5:37 am
by Nostalgiascape
That is an absolute precious and well written poem!