Miller's Nightmare Haunted Farm in West Virginia

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Miller's Nightmare Haunted Farm in West Virginia

Post by MauEvig » Sat Aug 26, 2023 10:56 am

So this haunt, located just outside of Lewisburg, WV...was the most terrifying experience I'd ever been to.

A few years ago we discovered this haunt completely by accident during one of our trips to Lewisburg. We saw the sign and were curious, so we decided to follow the road down. Just the drive to the haunt itself feels ominous like you're heading to your impending doom. We were taken to a place that looks like a fair or festival with vendors set up, with some carnival games. But the haunt wasn't open and at the time when the place was open we had to work. The drive itself was creepy enough, but we figured this would be a fun place to check out later on. So, at the time we only got a glance at the potential horror before us.

We had no idea just HOW much horror lurked in the shadows of this place.

We got in and checked out one of the carnival games, there was food but ate first at a cool place called the Asylum (highly recommend the burgers at this little hole in the wall in WV) but figured we may get some of the snacks after we do the haunted house event, which is what we came for.

When it was our turn we waited in line...and the longer we waited to enter...the more it started to feel like pigs lined up for the slaughter.
Then we went inside and were greeted by a guy who reminded me of A House of Thousand Corpses.

And the entire experience was extremely long and terrifying. We must have been in there for an hour, but it certainly felt like 3 or more. The people in the costumes didn't look that terrifying when they came out to greet us in their introductory parade, but once you got inside it felt like being IN an actual horror movie. There was the farm itself, then the corn maze, and a few spots that would make you feel dizzy and like you stepped foot into hell itself.

It was absolutely terrifying. I'm pretty sure we got PTSD after going there. Once the haunt was over, we couldn't wait to get back to our cars and drive away. It scared us that much.

But I figured you all would like to know about it. It's terrifying, but I honestly felt like I was one of the survivors of a horror onslaught. They put up a pretty good show, but the attraction was VERY long and made us feel like we were going to be trapped there forever. We agreed we probably won't be back to this one. We like horror, but honestly prefer shorter haunts (like the ones at King's Dominion)

This one is NOT for the faint of heart and I definitely wouldn't recommend anyone who scares easily or young children go in there or people with heart conditions.

But if you REALLY want to check it out and see just how terrifying it is...beware. You have been warned...

Here's the website IF YOU DARE:

I didn't get a lot of pictures of this one, I don't think you really CAN when you're inside the attraction. But I got a couple outside of it.

So that's the entrance to the terrifying attraction. I think I remember the clock spinning backwards too. That was only the beginning of the terror.

These pumpkin scarecrow decorations were cool. This was outside the entrance where we had to make our way through a small path to get to the haunt just outside of the attraction. Not so scary at daylight though.
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Re: Miller's Nightmare Haunted Farm in West Virginia

Post by Murfreesboro » Sat Aug 26, 2023 1:17 pm

I don't know if I'd wish to be THAT scared or not. I'm sure my kids wouldn't go. They think the haunt at Canonsburg Village downtown is too much, and it takes only c 20 mins. (Canonsburg is a replica of the original settlement at Murfreesboro over 200 yrs ago.)

There have been haunted attractions in this area similar to what you describe, but I'm not sure any of them has been revived since the pandemic. One man who used to run one now owns a popular pizza parlor called Spooky's, which is decorated with props from his former haunted attraction. Of course all his delicious pizzas have evocative names, like Hell Cheeses Over, White Knuckle, etc.

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