Tutorials and step-by-step instructions

Tutorials and step-by-step instructions for decorations, props etc.
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Tutorials and step-by-step instructions

Post by HalloweenDot » Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:04 am

Have a great prop? decoration? Give step by step instructions for us to recreate it here.
Please start a new topic for each item! ;-)
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Re: Tutorials and step-by-step instructions

Post by Spookymufu » Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:55 pm


glad you added this, cant wait to see what people are up to!
"You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar but if you pull their wings off they'll eat whatever you give them!"

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Re: Tutorials and step-by-step instructions

Post by Corvus Kulde » Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:58 am

Here are some simple cardstock masks that are cheap,easy, and effective. I use a sturdy grey cardboard often used as a packaging material. I understand it's used by scrapbookers and sold at craft stores. I got a ton of it free. Hooray. In a pinch use any old cardboard you can find.
Just think paper doll. Find the middle.Cut a design out on one side. Fold and cut along the outline until you have a symetrical face.
Just think paper doll. Find the middle.Cut a design out on one side. Fold and cut along the outline until you have a symetrical face.
mask 002.jpg (55.81 KiB) Viewed 23021 times
Oh, your so cool, Brewster!
Hey, Butchy. They still got Oreo's next door?
Dracula's in the house!!! In the house?!
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