Anyone carry gun?

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Re: Anyone carry gun?

Post by MacPhantom » Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:15 pm

I have an official Red Ryder BB gun with a compass in the stock and a thing which tells time.

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Re: Anyone carry gun?

Post by iHaunt » Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:45 pm

I got an email message a couple of days ago, so here it is....

Cost - $9,000 New in box.

Wow! That's very expensive!!! Why is that???

There are federal laws that closed the door on new production and import of machineguns for civilian sale. It is a matter of supply and demand. What I have is also new in the box.


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Re: Anyone carry gun?

Post by Shadows Symphony » Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:27 pm

Definitely! I'm an NRA Lifetime member. Have my CC permit, as does my wife. I have several firearms. But my carry gun is the Walther PPS .40. Great gun.
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Re: Anyone carry gun?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:28 am

NeverMore, there are 5 things I NEVER, repeat, NEVER loan out to anyone, not even my own brothers. My car, my motorcycle, my camera, my stereo system and most importantly my guns. Not even to my own flesh & blood, much less a non relative.

iHaunt, there is a federal law prohibiting anyone in the U.S. fron owning ANY fully automatic weapon. We can own semi autos, but not fully automatic weapons. That law goes back to the Al Capone era. Back then, you could actualy mail order a Thompson Sub Machine gun, fully automatic (Tommy Gun) no questions asked. The "Tommy Gun" fired regular .45 calibre hand gun ammo, which was also very easy to get back then. Al Campone and other gangsters of that time routinely used the Tompson to "rub out" their rivals or anyone who crossed them or double crossed them. For that reason, a law was enacted against anyone leagaly owning a fully automatic machine gun of any kind, unless you're in the army or a police officer.


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Re: Anyone carry gun?

Post by Spookymufu » Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:47 am

Mike, there is one way with proper licensing you can own a fully automatic weapon in the US.....
There are currently 37 states here in the U.S. that allow the possession of automatic weapons. The requirements are that you submit an application to BATFE (Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco &, Firearms & Explosives. As part of that application a complete criminal background investigation is done and you must submit a set of current fingerprints as part of the process.(Finger Prints fee's vary from $15-$20 depending on the state of residence)

Once approved, you will be required to pay a one-time fee of $200 for a Federal Tax Stamp per weapon (There are NO, REPEAT NO additional FEE'S,Dealer's Licenses or anything additional required!!)

With the GCA of 1986 (Gun Control Act) Civilians are not allowed to posess fully automatic weapons unless they were manufactured prior to 1986. The weapons manufactured before 1986 are "Grandfathered" meaning they can still be LEGALLY transfered thru a licensed/bonded Class III NFA Weapons Dealer.NO fully automatic weapons made after 1968 are legal for civilians to own or possess.

In addition the permit once issued requires that the permit be with the registered licensed weapon at all times and especially when transported. You must also show proof that the registered weapon is stored in a safe or locked container that meets BATFE guidelines. Issuing the Permit also allows BATFE to make a personal inspection of your residence or storage area once annually.(Usually announced prior by appointment)

Several states have their own state restrictions or laws of ownership for these weapons and a person who is licensed with the weapon is subject to the state laws of any state he visits or may travel thru.

If you can find a grandfathered AK-47 or M-16 you can technically purchase it but they are extremely rare and quite expensive......You would be better suited to pick something easier to obtain
but it sounds like a PITA to me.....besides, I dont need a full auto weapon, if I fly to Nevada I can fire one on a range for fun and dont need to go through all the hassles of trying to own one
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Re: Anyone carry gun?

Post by iHaunt » Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:53 pm

Anyone used to own a machine gun before? Or, seen it before? If so then what kind was it?

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Re: Anyone carry gun?

Post by jadewik » Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:59 am

I get to see John Dillinger's Thompson Submachine Guns every year... *drool *

I'd post photos, but last time I was there, I was told if I took any, they'd be for personal use only... but they're delicious to look at. In great condition too since Tucson Police Department (TPD) keeps them locked up 364 days of the year. If anyone comes to visit Tucson during the weekend we celebrate Dillinger Days-- the day TPD captured Dillinger-- you could see 'em too. =)

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Re: Anyone carry gun?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:05 pm

John Dillinger had a Thompson and a BAR (Browning Automatic Riffle) You can still purchase a "Tommy Gun," but only as a semi auto. And I agree about the whole licensing rigum-a-roll. It is a PTIA, and I can be just as effective with the guns I already have.

I would like a semi auto Thompson, however, but it's not high on the priorities list for guns.


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Re: Anyone carry gun?

Post by iHaunt » Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:31 pm

My grandpa loves the movie "Dillinger", and it was good movie! :D My grandpa told me he has seen tommy guns long, long time ago and he doesn't want to talk about it. :? Because he was in World War II he had seen too many dead bodies plus some people getting killed in Japan.

By the way, my grandpa knows I do own my own gun so he adviced me to keep it at home because I have no gun permit. I wish I would get one, but I have so many bad backgrounds so I can't get gun permit. :(

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Re: Anyone carry gun?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:06 am

In Illinois you have to have a Firearm Owners Identification Card (FOID) in order to purchase guns and ammunition, and a carry permit to carry it around in certain areas.


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Re: Anyone carry gun?

Post by iHaunt » Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:22 am

That's strange in Illinois.... But, here in Virginia you have to go to downtown city hall office and ask for the gun permit so you have to fill out the paperform with proof of your I.D. you have to wait 7 to 14 days to see if you can have a gun permit or not... because they have to check your criminal backgrounds. :?

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Re: Anyone carry gun?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:34 am

A carry permit and a FOID card are two different things. A FOID card is so you can buy buns and ammo. They are relatively easy to obtain. You have to have your photo taken at any gun shop where they do foyd cards, after you fill out an application, and the app has to be notorized. Then you bring in the filled out ap to where you got it, and they shoot your mug shot, and send everything into the state. They do a little checking into your background, and then your FOID card comes in the mail

Carry permits are a lot more complicated to get. The paper work is more complicated, you have to have very specific reasons for wantint it, and the back ground checks could take weeks.


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Re: Anyone carry gun?

Post by iHaunt » Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:51 am

Depends on some state in USA.... mine is you have to go to downtown city hall to sign up the paper work with proof of your id. You will get a letter in your mail to see if you can get the permission or not.... I didn't get permission back in 1998, I think b/c I have very small criminal backgrounds, same thing some of my cousins did! :?

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Re: Anyone carry gun?

Post by Murfreesboro » Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:06 pm

In TN, getting the carry permit requires a background check, of course, as well as specialized training and proof that you can handle a gun (i.e., you have to pass some type of target test). However, I am not aware that you have to justify why you want a gun. As long as you have no criminal background, I am pretty sure that the right to keep and bear arms is honored here.

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Re: Anyone carry gun?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:29 pm

Murf, you don't have to justify why you want a gun. You have to justify why you want a carry permit. A FOID card is very easy to get, and once you have that, any fire arm and ammo for sale is available to you. Some guns, like hand guns and asault rifles have a waiting period, but for the most part, to own a gun, all you need is a FOID card. If you want to leagaly carry a gun, that's a whole other story.


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