Please, Don't Scare The Kids

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Re: Please, Don't Scare The Kids

Post by Murfreesboro » Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:33 am

Jehovah's Witnesses don't celebrate any holiday, nor do they celebrate birthdays, IIRC. They are not actually Christian. I suppose they regard Jesus as a good man, but he is not the Son of God to them, and they do not celebrate Christmas or Easter. I don't know if their opposition to Halloween is specific to that holiday, or if it is just an extension of their general disregard of holidays.

We are seeing very little political activity in middle TN this year. It is odd. My impression is that TN has become such a red state that neither party is bothering to campaign here. I haven't even seen any TV ads. Just an occasional bumper sticker on a car. This is not normally the case during a Presidential election. And it's not as if TN doesn't matter. We have 11 electoral votes, which is the exact number Al Gore needed to win back in 2000. If he had won TN (supposedly his home state), Florida and its hanging chads wouldn't have mattered.

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Re: Please, Don't Scare The Kids

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Mon Oct 15, 2012 10:12 am

Well at any rate, a lot of the Livingston County and other local politicians are campaigning like crazy, because they deliberately set it up so it's allways during a presidental election. More people vote in presidental election years, so they drum up more votes for the local yocals.

I am definately going to enjoy Halloween in spite of all the political haggling, but I still wish the campaigners would leave Halloween alone. The good news is, that every other year, there is almost no political activity during October.


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