Thank you all for your kind compliments everyone!
My High School was the eagles, but I liked my college mascot at GCC which was a cougar. I'm not too sure what Dabney's is because I don't think they have a football team. They just have pictures of Mountains in their logo.
Dabney; the college I'm going to right now I learned is going to partner with Mary Baldwin! As y'all know I was thinking about transferring to MB as one of my choices. I've heard good things about it and was thinking of looking into other colleges, but in light of this news I think this might be the best route for me. It's more local than Roanoke or Staunton; and I'm hoping they'll offer courses online as well. One thing I like about going to "class" online is that it's easier to fit around my schedule. I can check into class at Midnight if I wanted to.

Thanks to technological advances I think there should be more job opportunities to work online. If I can't get a job in a traditional classroom, maybe I can get one teaching a virtual classroom. I think that'd be fun and I'm already pretty computer savvy.
Going back to the mascots; I thought my Highschool should be the Griffons instead. I thought that would be more original. There was like...I think 3 other schools in New York State with that same mascot. I still remember this project we had to do for my art class there. We made this really cool looking eagle head. Then the teacher made copies of it, and told us to make the eagle heads into students; basically anthropomorphic eagles doing something related to school. Well; I wanted to do one where the students are hanging out at the lockers with their friends. I planned to add one as a cat and one as another type of animal. One of the students snobbishly said I couldn't do that...and then the teacher sided with her! I'll never forget that. I even pointed out that the other animals could be "foreign exchange students." Of course it's been over 10 years ago now and it's moot point...though I have been tempted to re-do the piece the way I wanted it done just for personal closure.

The thing that I didn't like about that art class was that I didn't feel like there was enough artistic freedom to really express one's self. I'm not in school now though; so I get to paint or draw to express myself the way I want to and that suits me just fine.
I like the mascots around here in Virginia though.
Murf I feel for your daughter. I got rejected by specific colleges as well when I was younger. Though I wish now that I would have taken my school Councillor's advice and just went to a Community College to begin with. But things happen a certain way for a reason I think. Hopefully she'll still get to attend Vanderbilt someday though. Maybe she can transfer in later on?