Harry Potter themed?

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Harry Potter themed?

Post by MauEvig » Thu Jul 09, 2015 4:48 pm

I like the idea. I always liked the books but I didn't get as obsessed over them as some people did. The stories are fun and exciting; the first time I picked up a book I read through it pretty quickly, which never happened before with a piece of literature. :lol:

So what does this have to do with Halloween? I looked up Halloween ideas and found some Harry Potter stuff. I suppose that makes sense. The Harry Potter world is full of magic and things related to witch craft (granted it's all based on stories and none of it is real, but it's fun to explore) Here's some ideas if you wanted to do a Harry Potter themed Halloween (or Birthday as it mentions) party:

http://www.centsationalgirl.com/2014/02 ... rty-ideas/


I really like the floating candles actually. :) Plus they celebrate both Halloween and Christmas in the stories; but I think Halloween seems a more appropriate holiday for Harry Potter.
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Re: Harry Potter themed?

Post by Murfreesboro » Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:13 am

Oh, those floating candles are very creative!

I am happy to see that younger kids are still into Harry Potter. The last book/movie came out several years ago, so ten-yr-olds would have been six, I think, a little too young to have read them the first go-round. I have always maintained that those books are exceptionally well written. I think they are going to become classics.

Have you read any of J. K. Rowling's other books, like A Casual Vacancy or Cuckoo's Calling? Both of them are quite good. She is just such a talented writer.

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Re: Harry Potter themed?

Post by MauEvig » Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:01 pm

I have a dream of being as accomplished of a writer as JK Rowling; but I'm sure it's just a silly dream of mine. :lol: Though a couple friends I used to work with at Sitel seem to think I'm going to be a billionaire author one day and I've been sharing my rough drafts with a few people. I have 4 chapters plus a prologue written of my book and I'm on chapter 5...and experiencing writer's block.
We'll see I suppose. :lol: It's fun to laugh and joke about it, but I doubt that I'll sell more than a few copies here and there. I'll likely just self publish, possibly on Lulu.com since they seem to be the best bet I've seen so far.

I take it Cuckoo's calling is the book she published under a pen name. That's interesting. She's indeed a talented writer, but I haven't read any of her books outside the HP series. I really enjoy Harry Potter and the fantasy/science fiction genre; and reaching into other genres might be difficult. I'm finding it difficult enough to sit down and read anyway because I have a short attention span. :lol: But I am bringing myself to read a book called "The Goblin Wood" which I'm finding quite fascinating: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/248 ... oblin_Wood I picked this one up at a yard sale for a quarter. But it's a pretty good read if you enjoy fantasy works. It's not that I don't enjoy reading, I just have a hard time sitting down and reading for very long. Yet if a story is posted on say, Deviant art it's easier for me to scroll through it and read it. Yet, I'm not really ready to jump into the kindle thing either. I like traditional books. I get a warm fuzzy feeling when I walk into a book store, especially in the children's section because it takes me back to my childhood days. But I find myself wanting to explore my own ideas more I suppose, and write them out. But getting them out of my head and onto paper is like trying to swim upstream. I have tons of story ideas; and I get distracted easily by each one. Sometimes my mind will soar off into those realms of fantasy when I'm at work, if I'm not serving customers. Sky Kingdom is my priority book though. That's the one I want to see published.

I love the floating candles idea. Whether I go for a Harry Potter theme or something else (I usually just do something generic for Halloween with the usual black cats, pumpkins, skulls, witches etc.) I think they'd make a great edition to the decorating.

I'm happy to see younger kids are still into it as well. It means the story will live on for generations, and I think you're right. I think it'll become a classic. I need to collect all the books. I used to have the 7th book and I never finished it; it got lost when I mailed myself some books down from New York state to Virginia using the Media Mail system, as it was cheaper that way and they were all books in that box. It got hijacked somewhere along the line, and 90% of what was in that box was gone. The post office wouldn't replace it either, I had to have "proof" of how much the books were worth to use the insurance. Some of those books I don't think I'll ever find again since they were little booklets that you'd find in the checkout line at the grocery store. Finding a bunch of books at that yard sale for a quarter was a blessing. They didn't have all the Harry Potter books, but they did have the 4th one which I didn't have before, and a bunch of the warriors books which I'd been meaning to read.
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Re: Harry Potter themed?

Post by Murfreesboro » Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:02 pm

Yeah, Cuckoo's Calling was a detective novel she wrote under a pen name, and then her cover was blown. It was a good novel. My daughter and I are still hoping she might make that one a series.

I'm sorry you lost your books in transport. That sort of thing does happen from time to time in life, unfortunately. I've spent a fortune on books in my lifetime and am trying to discipline myself to use the library more right now. I just finished a bio of Walt Disney by Neal Gabler that I really enjoyed.

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Re: Harry Potter themed?

Post by witchy » Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:02 pm

Quite a few years ago we did a Harry Potter party, we did the floating candles and the broom gift bags and a Harry Potter invite, it turned out really cute, if you haven't done one yet is is soo worth it. I was Professor Minerva McGonagal and my daughter was Bellatrix Lestrange, we loved it!!

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Re: Harry Potter themed?

Post by Murfreesboro » Tue Jul 14, 2015 7:51 am

That sounds like so much fun!

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Re: Harry Potter themed?

Post by witchy » Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:59 pm

Here is my daughter dressed up as bellatrix Lestrange, she was 13 in one and 16 in the other, she loves Harry Potter!! :wink:
Witchy Sam.jpg
Witchy Sam.jpg (67.99 KiB) Viewed 34272 times
bellatrix Lestrange.jpg
bellatrix Lestrange.jpg (34.95 KiB) Viewed 34272 times

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Re: Harry Potter themed?

Post by Murfreesboro » Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:14 pm

Such a pretty girl! Mine likes to costume, too.

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Re: Harry Potter themed?

Post by witchy » Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:20 pm

Murfreesboro wrote:Such a pretty girl! Mine likes to costume, too.
Thanks, she loves to dress up.

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Re: Harry Potter themed?

Post by MauEvig » Wed Jul 15, 2015 3:34 pm

I love the costumes witchy! :)

Did you do the recipes as well? I think mugglenet has some Harry Potter recipes:

May as well add the food to go along with the fun. I always thought butterbeer sounded fantastic when it was described in the book; but they released one at the gaming store in Waynesboro and I just had to try it! But it wasn't really as good as I'd expected. Still I might try my hand one day at one of the recipes!

Those broom gift bags sound really cute Witchy.

Murf I need to get to the library at some point. I keep dragging my feet and getting caught up in things like work. I've been to the Covington one, but I haven't been to the one locally. :lol: I like having the books on my shelf though so that way I don't feel pressured to read them before a certain time; but I suppose that would make me read them too! Only problem is buying books is expensive unless you are lucky and happen upon a yard sale with a bargain like I have. I definitely see your point about making use of it. Yeah it was a shame that my books were lost; and I wasn't too happy with the USPS; but at least I was able to get a handful of new books through that yard sale. Ironically, that yard sale was also in New York State during my trip to visit family up there and go to the Summerfest. :lol:

If you all like Harry Potter; I can suggest a really good Author named Diana Wynne Jones. Her Chrestomanci series is really fun to read. My only complaint though was that they never had a female Chrestomanci; but I liked the concept of it just the same. The Chrestomanci is a nine-lived enchanter and the most powerful magic user in that universe. Unlike other people, the Chrestomanci has nine lives; and thus doesn't have any alternate selves in any of the alternate worlds. So it combines magic with the idea of alternate realities. There are also 11 worlds. He's able to travel between the different worlds because of his ability to leave one of his lives behind in his world without upsetting the time-space continuum. His job is to make sure magic users aren't abusing their magic on people who don't have magic. His world is described as "Magic is as common as music is here." It's too bad Diana Wynne Jones died, she had some interesting literature. She also did Howl's moving castle which was adapted to a studio ghibli movie by Mayazaki. I watched the movie but never finished the book.
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Re: Harry Potter themed?

Post by Murfreesboro » Wed Jul 15, 2015 5:19 pm

I never knew about that mugglenet site! What fun!

That other fantasy series sounds intriguing, too.

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Re: Harry Potter themed?

Post by MauEvig » Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:00 pm

Yeah it's a pretty neat site. I remember going there when I was anticipating the new books to come out and looking at the spoilers. Of course; I think only some of the spoilers actually came to fruition. But the website is full of good resources like those recipes. :)

Thanks! Definitely worth checking out. :)
Nocturnal Purr-Fection

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