Job Placement Personality tests...

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Job Placement Personality tests...

Post by MauEvig » Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:54 am

Job Placement Personality tests: a complete waste of time because I don't see why a certain personality "fit" is relevant to the type of job you'll be performing. The important thing is doing your job and doing it right. If people want a real evaluation of a person, they need to stop dismissing people who are capable and actually let them "try" the job first. That's the best way to get the right fit. I know employers don't want to waste their time on that and would rather do it the easy way, but if they try the employees out on the job, they will get the right employees for the job! The other way is just a mess, and the worst part is is even if you pass the personality test, it doesn't mean you'll be the right candidate for the job. In the end, it just means you wasted your time and there's. So I say just do away with these things. You shouldn't have to have a "great personality" to work at a place flipping burgers. It doesn't mean you shouldn't take pride in your work no matter where you are, or that you shouldn't be honest even if you're just making minimum wage. It just means that you are there to work, and show them you're a hard worker and you want to earn your living. As the old saying goes, a day's work for a day's pay. This is definitely ONE thing I am old fashioned about!

It's just no wonder I'm having trouble finding a new job. All the jobs including McDonalds and Burger King have them! And I never seem to be able to pass them, or if I do it's a complete fluke.

Technically I am going to be starting a new job, but it's not going to be a lot of hours and I have to wait two weeks for the paperwork to come in. I'm still going to be looking in the mean time.

But I felt like ranting about these things because...they are the bane of my job searching existence. How are you even expected to pass these things?
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Re: Job Placement Personality tests...

Post by Spookymufu » Tue Jan 26, 2016 4:56 pm

a bad personality, or someone with "issues" are like a cancer to a team, you've heard the term one bad apple can spoil the pie, well it's true, if I have a great team and I hire someone who might be a good worker but bring down the morale or spirit of the team then I'd rather not have that "good worker"......
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Re: Job Placement Personality tests...

Post by MauEvig » Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:43 pm

I don't think these tests are very accurate though. I took one and failed it for the USPS as a carrier. Carriers don't really need to interact with a whole lot of people...all they do is deliver mail and sort it.
On the other hand...there are people at the Post Office who are down right rude, have the worst customer service possible, and are careless with the packages (especially the ones that are fragile...I heard they toss them around like garbage! And I believe it too because I mailed some books down from my old home to where I am now and 90% of them were gone and the box looked like it'd been through a war zone). Even the delivery people seem to think they can deliver whenever they feel like it rather than when they are supposed to. These are the kind of people hired using these computerized personality tests. :/ There is no substitute for a one on one interview with a real person.
You also have to understand that just because someone is socially awkward or has anxiety does not mean they won't make a good team player. I'm not saying you should hire someone who would just whine, complain and not do their one wants someone like that. I am NOT the kind of person who would bring down the morale or the spirit of a team...far from it. If I was...I kind of doubt they would have considered hiring me back at the Grocery store I worked at for the third time... in fact I'm the type of person who lightens things up even though it's a hard job while still getting my work done.
I get what you're saying Spooky but these personality tests are NOT the way you want to pick out a good team player. A lot of people fudge them anyway, they figure some way around the system to make it appear that they're the worker you really want. The only way to know for sure is when they are actually on the job...but the next best thing is talking to them in person.
Thankfully my job search is over. I now have "technically" four jobs. Two of them are subbing for two different school districts, but a friend offered me a job working weekday nights with her special needs children while I work weekends at the grocery store. But I don't need to be a cashier anymore, now I'm a cook and I really enjoy both these jobs. Part of this thread was just me venting my frustration at job searching.
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Re: Job Placement Personality tests...

Post by HalloweenDot » Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:52 am

I agree about the USPS. Some are nice, but a lot are union protected and are just downright rude and unpleasant to deal with. since 1994 - Chris

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Re: Job Placement Personality tests...

Post by Kolchak » Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:33 pm

Spooky is right.

A company has the right to set standards for their employees and a toxic personality is not something an employer can afford to put up with.

All personality tests are based on the Minnesota Multiple Personality Indicator. This test has been around for ages and is used in all forms of pre-employment testing. The test is not a pass or fail type test. It asks questions relating to a specific type of employment and is a norm or a stasis indicator to find if people fit into that particular realm of employment. There is no right or wrong answer. Certain emotional types do better in certain jobs than people of a different emotional bent.

Studies have been done that show certain emotional types are better served in some types of work, more than others. Depending on the test you are asked anywhere from around 200 questions to over 1,000. Is it perfect? No, but by and large it is a good indicator if a person will fit into the surroundings they are trying to get employed for. It has nothing to do with faking the test or using a type of subterfuge to get by, because at the end of the day your personality will come through and then you are seen for who you really are.

I have never heard any of these personality tests being the sole reason a person was denied or offered a job. It is used in conjunction with other facets, usually personal observation of the man/woman wanting employment. If a person has a habit of being denied employment because of how they behave and show themselves; then maybe that person should take a long hard look in the mirror and do some serious evaluating of their own personality?

Constant drama, and constant issues are things an employer does not want. You need to leave your personal life at home and do the job you are being hired to do. Taking the personality test, then looking at how the applicant did, in conjunction with how past employers rate the employee and then talking to the applicant face to face often is the real indicator if the person will get the job.

If you're not getting a job, the issue has more to do with you than any test you have taken.

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Re: Job Placement Personality tests...

Post by MauEvig » Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:03 am

Well Kolchak, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on that one. I didn't work hard at college just to be handed down a part-time minimum wage job, and I think it's fishy that if they are looking for a specific personality set well, everyone has different personalities and if it's the type of job I've specifically trained for then there should be no reason for me to get turned down for it. And yet I am. Over and over again. Taking a "good hard look at myself" might mean having to change my answers when I take the test which defeats the purpose. And I'm pretty sure I have taken the same test while putting different answers to the questions down. I still get turned down. So it's the system that is flawed, not me.

I still don't think some computerized test is any replacement for a real person interview.

Besides...if everyone started using this method...I'd be unemployed forever...and I do NOT want to become a burden society. If my emotional build up doesn't fit in one area, then where DOES it fit? No where? That can't be the answer. Would they have me being stuck drawing welfare and disability? No way. I want to earn my money not leech off everyone else. This system really creates more problems than it helps.

Even if these tests are accurate like you say...and let's say it predicts I'd be good in a certain specific it doesn't mean I'd enjoy it...and two that job might be extremely rare to find in my area when moving is NOT an option. I recognize there are times when it's necessary to take a job that's less than pleasant just to survive. We don't exactly live in a perfect world where everyone will get the right job for the right person, but they have to work it anyway or else starve or go on welfare.
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Re: Job Placement Personality tests...

Post by Kolchak » Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:07 pm

....So it's the system that is flawed, not me.

Uh-huh. That is very telling.

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Re: Job Placement Personality tests...

Post by MauEvig » Wed Feb 03, 2016 10:44 pm

Let me ask this then...why would someone not want to hire an employee who's honest, a hard worker, doesn't steal from the company and while may have some social anxiety/social awkwardness does the best they can to get along with everyone (no one is perfect after all!) and you know who's getting hired? The person who's dishonest, lazy, steals from the company, bosses people around and belittles people...and I'm the one with the problem!? I'm polite to customers as much as I can be, I get frustrated sometimes but that's called being human. On the other hand the person who is rude to customers is getting hired for that job. The person who thinks they're better than the person who they are supposed to be servicing.

At this point in time it doesn't matter anyway. I have two jobs I really like now. But I still don't like the system that causes more problems than it tries to fix.
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Re: Job Placement Personality tests...

Post by HalloweenDot » Fri Feb 05, 2016 1:14 pm

Glad you have two jobs you like, but keep your eyes open for something you can do so you can work for yourself! Something you enjoy and then you don't have to deal with an employer. ;-)
MauEvig wrote:Let me ask this then...why would someone not want to hire an employee who's honest, a hard worker, doesn't steal from the company and while may have some social anxiety/social awkwardness does the best they can to get along with everyone (no one is perfect after all!) and you know who's getting hired? The person who's dishonest, lazy, steals from the company, bosses people around and belittles people...and I'm the one with the problem!? I'm polite to customers as much as I can be, I get frustrated sometimes but that's called being human. On the other hand the person who is rude to customers is getting hired for that job. The person who thinks they're better than the person who they are supposed to be servicing.

At this point in time it doesn't matter anyway. I have two jobs I really like now. But I still don't like the system that causes more problems than it tries to fix. since 1994 - Chris

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Re: Job Placement Personality tests...

Post by MauEvig » Fri Feb 05, 2016 5:11 pm

That would be awesome Halloweencom! I tried doing little things on the side like art and stuff like my "Box of art creations" mini-business where I sell paintings, and hand crafted things with polymer clay but unfortunately they didn't seem to sell very much. I made a few bucks off of it at most. Art, writing and animals (especially cats) are the things I'm probably the most passionate about, plus I am working on a book that I'm hoping will be a big hit success one day (it needs a lot of editing though). I'd love to find a job in that.
But I am discovering that I enjoy teaching and being a mentor/role model for children. I'm amazed at how intelligent and gifted many of these special needs kids are. I know our friend Murfreesboro was right about a lot of things and I am finding out that I do better one on one with a kid than I am in a group.
You do have a good point though. I should always keep my eyes open just in case things don't work out, plus I don't plan on working there forever. Eventually I'd like to get my teaching degree and I'll have to pass the Praxis exams. Going into business for myself would be fun, but it would be risky as well. I'd have to make sure that I'm not in a position where I'm still in debt with student loans probably.
Are you in business for yourself? I always joked around about having my own bakery since I like baking as well, but I'm not sure about taking such a big investment risk.
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Re: Job Placement Personality tests...

Post by Murfreesboro » Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:35 pm

Did somebody call my name? Lol I've been MIA with computer /internet issues that have lasted way longer than I thought they would. Typing from my phone now, which is tough.

Glad to hear you have a couple of jobs you like OK now. If you have discovered a vocation working with special needs kids, that's a gift! You can aim to be a special ed teacher perhaps.

I am trying to motivate myself to look for work. We need more income while my daughter is in college. At my age, and having been out of the work force for so long, it is daunting! I tell people I have two fears--not finding a job, and finding one! :lol:

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Re: Job Placement Personality tests...

Post by MauEvig » Fri Feb 19, 2016 12:11 am

How have you been Murf? I noticed you were gone for a while and I was wondering if something might have happened. I was concerned especially after Mike's disappearance and all. You've been missed! :)
I can understand typing from the phone, it's not easy at all and I definitely prefer a computer screen and keyboard. I hope you get your internet back soon! I appreciate you touching base with us all here. :D

I was really lucky to get these jobs. My friend had a need at the time and I was someone she could trust with her kids. It's such a rewarding experience getting to work with these young kids. The other job was pure luck too since one of my friends I used to work with at the store became manager and talked to the store manager about me coming back part time as a cook. Then he talked to his parents the store owners and next thing I knew I was back there for the third time, but this time in the back and I really like it like that. It's great to have two jobs that I love now. :) I'm still subbing as well though I haven't been called in a while. I usually average about once a month, which is why I needed to find something else. I just couldn't live off that kind of income. I think that's exactly what I'm going to do Murf, there's a huge need for it and I'm finding I work better with the children one on one than trying to direct a whole class. I get to help these young minds grow and help them in areas where they struggle. I see brilliant minds that need the right guidance. I certainly have discovered it and it's great!

I completely understand where you're coming from. Looking for work is scary, and it can be rather daunting as well that's for sure! You never know how the first day is going to go either, what the training and the people are going to be like. But not finding a job can be stressful especially if you're in a situation where you really need it. The best advice I can offer is try, visit different businesses locally since not all of them advertise that they're hiring or even that they hire online. A lot of places do hire online only though. Is there a specific occupation you're looking to get into, or are you just looking for any kind of part time help? The thing I find rather funny and yet perplexing is that McDonalds (at least in my home state of New York, I'm not sure about anywhere else) and other fast food places are going to be having their crew members making $15 an hour! It almost makes me wonder if there's any incentive to go to college now when you can flip burgers for that kind of money. :lol: Regardless I couldn't choose better jobs right now anyway. I am still hoping to get into a school system eventually but the experience working with special needs kids is going to pay off in the long run. Having money helps too though. :) It means I can tackle some of my bills and pay down my student loans, and hopefully visit my family this year.

Honestly though, I think finding the right job is all about who you know. If you have good references, or maybe ask around at your church I'm sure you might find someone who could help you out. I wish I could help more myself. I don't want to be in a situation where I have to job search again for a long time! And I probably won't until I'm done with 4 year school and take my Praxis exams.
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Re: Job Placement Personality tests...

Post by Murfreesboro » Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:02 pm

Thanks for the encouragement! I think my strengths are researching, writing, and editing, and I'd like something that plays to those. Like maybe at one of the publishing cos. in Nashville. I'm not against doing something different, but I'd want it to be something I might at least find interesting. For example, I have a friend who works at the local Children's Discovery House museum. I could see working in a place like that, since it has an educational purpose. I'm not too keen on taking a full time teaching job because I know how much work they are. However, they would probably offer the best pay for my skill set.

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Re: Job Placement Personality tests...

Post by valentind34 » Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:16 pm

MauEvig wrote: Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:43 pm I don't think these tests are very accurate though. I took one and failed it for the USPS as a carrier. Carriers don't really need to interact with a whole lot of people...all they do is deliver mail and sort it.
On the other hand...there are people at the Post Office who are down right rude, have the worst customer service possible, and are careless with the packages (especially the ones that are fragile...I heard they toss them around like garbage! And I believe it too because I mailed some books down from my old home to where I am now and 90% of them were gone and the box looked like it'd been through a war zone). Even the delivery people seem to think they can deliver whenever they feel like it rather than when they are supposed to. These are the kind of people hired using these computerized personality tests. :/ There is no substitute for a one on one interview with a real person.
You also have to understand that just because someone is socially awkward or has anxiety does not mean they won't make a good team player. I'm not saying you should hire someone who would just whine, complain and not do their one wants someone like that. I am NOT the kind of person who would bring down the morale or the spirit of a team...far from it Garde Meubles Paris. If I was...I kind of doubt they would have considered hiring me back at the Grocery store I worked at for the third time... in fact I'm the type of person who lightens things up even though it's a hard job while still getting my work done.
I get what you're saying Spooky but these personality tests are NOT the way you want to pick out a good team player. A lot of people fudge them anyway, they figure some way around the system to make it appear that they're the worker you really want. The only way to know for sure is when they are actually on the job...but the next best thing is talking to them in person.
Thankfully my job search is over. I now have "technically" four jobs. Two of them are subbing for two different school districts, but a friend offered me a job working weekday nights with her special needs children while I work weekends at the grocery store. But I don't need to be a cashier anymore, now I'm a cook and I really enjoy both these jobs. Part of this thread was just me venting my frustration at job searching.
All depends above all on his rage to conquer, his mentality. Awkwardness is quite another thing.

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