Christmas at the workplace

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Christmas at the workplace

Post by MauEvig » Thu Nov 23, 2023 3:06 pm

I am curious if there's any fun holiday games or traditions you have done at your place of work? I feel like the more layed back your workplace is, the more fun things are done to celebrate the season with your fellow coworkers.
Now I've had a few jobs in the past before finally landing at the school district I'm at, and I may have the occasional misgivings but for the most part I enjoy and thoroughly like my job and what I do. I enjoy the work culture at my job and I find that holidays working for a school are the MOST fun for a variety of reasons.
But I think one of my favorites is "Secret Santa." You get to draw a name and buy gifts for a person, and I find that a lot of fun. I've found different workplaces have done this tradition in different ways, but when I worked at the High School we often dropped little gifts in their mail box leading up to one BIG surprise during the workplace Christmas party. But some people just pick a name and buy a gift for a certain time and give it to the person too, I feel like that's the traditional way of doing secret santa.
But one thing I miss from a previous job is the "sock game." I've only ever got to do it once, but the sock game is basically where you have this stocking that's passed around, and when it's your turn to get "socked" you receive a surprise full of goodies in the stocking. Once you get socked, it's your turn to sock someone else. You also aren't allowed to sock a person twice in a row, so you have to pick someone who hasn't been socked yet until everyone gets socked. It's a very charming game and I think it's very thoughtful to have a surprise waiting for you and in turn to get to surprise someone else. I've tried, without much luck, to bring this tradition to other workplaces. :lol:
Then there's my least favorite. The dirtiest of dirty Christmas games. The "Dirty Santa" game. And there's a reason it's called "Dirty Santa," because you play dirty. In this game you wrap up something you just want to give rid of. It can be anything laying around the house that you don't want anymore or have no use for, wrap it up and bring it in. Then you take a number and when it's your number that comes up, you can go up and unwrap a package, and either choose to keep it, or steal the gift from the person who came before you. But if you steal that gift, someone else can steal that from you. It's the kind of horrible deceitful game that can make you lose friends. :lol:
I also enjoy the atmosphere and ambience of the holidays, the work parties, and all the things that come with it. Each work place has done something different, whether it's a surprise from the boss like a gift card, or a Christmas dinner. Sometimes it involves a pot luck. Then there's theme days where you get to dress up...but my personal favorites are pajama day and ugly holiday sweater days. :lol: I feel like it invites a good mood all around, everyone's stressed and trying to get through until Christmas day or Christmas break depending on where you work but these things lift our spirits and make things cheerful while dealing with the every day tasks that come with a place of work.
Now, I know some of you work in retail and probably think "ugh!" when things like this are brought up, and I certainly wouldn't blame you for it. Trust me, I completely understand as someone who's worked in a grocery store and in several service type positions in the past. Typically, this is a busy season for you all, so I don't blame you if you want to pass up this discussion. :) To be fair though, one of my best jobs that I still look back fondly on was at a gas station, and I remember getting a gift card and a whole holiday ham from my boss that year. It was a great Christmas.
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Re: Christmas at the workplace

Post by Murfreesboro » Thu Nov 23, 2023 4:20 pm

I haven't had a workplace in so long that I really can't contribute. I did the Secret Santa once and liked it ok. I've also done Dirty Santa once and disliked it. I've never done the sock game, though.

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Re: Christmas at the workplace

Post by MauEvig » Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:51 pm

Murfreesboro wrote: Thu Nov 23, 2023 4:20 pm I haven't had a workplace in so long that I really can't contribute. I did the Secret Santa once and liked it ok. I've also done Dirty Santa once and disliked it. I've never done the sock game, though.
It's alright. If you've done any of those games at all, any feedback on them is welcome.

Secret Santa is fun.

Dirty Santa will ruin friendships faster than a draw four wild card in the game of Uno. :lol:

The sock game is fun, and I really wish more people did something like that. I imagine it would work in places outside of a workplace, like maybe a school, college, or possibly a club or even a church.
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Re: Christmas at the workplace

Post by TheHeadlessHorseman » Fri Nov 24, 2023 9:42 am

I throw a Christmas party every year for our employees, usually around Dec. 10th, and while most of them show up, there are a few that choose not to go, and that's fine because I know that people have different reasons why they don't want to be there and I respect that so I don't force them to go. It's also up to them if they want to give each other gifts, but I don't make them do it.

Regardless if they attend or not, I do give every employee a gift, as well as a good holiday bonus, I think that most corporate businesses give 5-10% for a bonus, but I give my employees 20% on top of what they made for the year up to the paydate before the party. I don't have to do it, but it's my way of showing the employees that we appreciate them.

I've been told by many people that I remind them of the character Fezziwig when we have our holiday parties, and that makes sense to me because I've played the role on stage twice, and I really do want our employees to be happy and enjoy the holiday season.

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Re: Christmas at the workplace

Post by Murfreesboro » Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:56 am

What a compliment, to be compared to Fezziwig! You sound like a generous and appreciative boss.

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Re: Christmas at the workplace

Post by MauEvig » Tue Dec 19, 2023 8:43 pm

Being compared to Fezziwig definitely is a compliment!

My workplace isn't really doing much this year. They were going to have a staff dinner tonight, but being in the middle of the week I decided not to go. The drive to the proposed restaurant would have been 45 minutes away, and on a work night would not have been too enjoyable.
But there are some nice decorations, both by teachers and staff as well as the kids. I was hoping to do some fun crafts with the kids before we went on break, but didn't get a chance to. I got sick last Friday, and we had a snowday today. I'm grateful for the snowday, but getting sick is no fun! Stuff's been going around, so maybe it's a good thing I've got one more day before I'm off for break.
They have been giving us treats in the faculty room though, so that's been nice. Each department had their turn to bring something in, and Wednesdays we got to order out at a restaurant if we so choosed. The department I work in, the Special Education department did a candy apple bar earlier this month. It was a huge success I thought. The idea to do so came from our department head, and since the office staff were signed up for Thursday and since we're off by then, we teamed up to do the candy apple bar instead.
We've been greeted by various treats throughout December. I'm going to miss that when January rolls around. :lol:
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Re: Christmas at the workplace

Post by Murfreesboro » Tue Dec 19, 2023 10:43 pm

I hope you are fully recovered now!

It seems early to me for a snow day, but then, I remember that up in Virginia, that could happen.

A candy apple bar sounds yummy!

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Re: Christmas at the workplace

Post by Andybev01 » Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:51 am

Catching communal colds is #1 on my list of things that I don't miss about office jobs.

#1 on my list of things that I do miss is the office potluck.

I was fortunate enough to work for many convivial employers over the years, that emphasized traditional values.

One year one of the CEOs brought in a platter of roast game hens that he had hunted, and each had a small print-out of the senior staffs faces in place of the heads.

It was hilarious and would probably result in lawsuits or having to call in trauma counselors in this day and age.

In all fairness, the executive suite were all hunters and thought it most humorous.
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Re: Christmas at the workplace

Post by MauEvig » Thu Dec 21, 2023 11:53 am

Office potlucks are nice. I was introduced to Chicken Wing Dip, AKA Buffalo Chicken Dip in one of my previous "office" type jobs. They don't do this sort of thing as much in retail or service type jobs, but you may be lucky enough to be invited to a Christmas party. I like that they dropped little treats throughout December where I work now. I enjoy potlucks due to the different foods you can get introduced to, and I enjoy food in general. :lol: Somehow I always manage to talk about food at work with co workers and kids alike. :lol:

I did get some nice gifts from co workers and I feel bad because I couldn't afford to get anything for them. I had so many expenses pop up over the past few months and I've been waiting for the next paycheck and Christmas bonus to drop so I can actually get some holiday shopping done. They've decided to wait until the last minute. It's going to be fun going into "battle" tomorrow to get that last minute stuff.

Literally tomorrow at the store:

I also feel the strain of cold and flu season. Just last week I called out with acute pharyngitis and an upper respiratory infection. Thankfully the urgent care I went to promptly called me in a z-pack, a round of strong effective antibiotics that only contain 6 in a pack. Strep, covid, the stomach bug and all kinds of nasty things are floating around at the school. I literally work in a petri dish, I kid you not. Since I sat next to a child who had been out with strep on the bus (I do a part time bus aide gig in the mornings to make a little extra money since teacher's aide pay isn't a lot) and had a nagging sore throat that just wouldn't go away, I figured I'd get checked up. I know my own doctor's office you have to fight just to get an appointment and they usually send you home with a $200 bill and tell you it's just a cold after all those tests come back negative. This practitioner was effective though, said I had a "mean ear" and my throat was red. Tests still came back negative, but it was enough to give me a note to stay home and the antibiotics. I had no idea an ear infection could be involved, but that explains the nagging headache I had that Tuesday.

Because I was sick, and I'd planned on getting together with some work friends last Friday, we decided to reschedule and do a New Year's thing instead. I think it'll be fun. We're going to a local restaurant for the get-together and later plan to assemble a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. I think that'll be fun. Probably won't be until around Spring or so though.

The game hens thing sounds hilarious. I think I'd die laughing if they did that where we work. :lol: Yeah, sadly no one has a sense of humor anymore and so many people get offended over the little things. :( I try not to get offended too much anymore over trivial things. There's just no sense in it. There's a lot of hunters in our area too. If I'm lucky, they might even give me some venison. I do like venison, but since I don't hunt I don't get it too often.

I'm somewhere in the middle when it comes to "values" but when it comes to things like the holidays, I enjoy certain traditions both old and modern. I try to keep an open mind, life's too short not to enjoy it.

One thing I definitely prefer is "Merry Christmas" over "Happy Holidays." It's funny, because the very people they wanted to accommodate get annoyed by this sentiment of "Happy Holidays." I almost find the irony funny, if it weren't for the fact it feels like an agenda is being pushed. That said, I'm certainly not going to be offended if someone wishes me "Happy Holidays" either. The communities I work in lean more on the religious side of things and that's actually something I appreciate about them. I don't care if someone says "Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Holidays, Blessed Yule, Happy Winter Solstice, or even just have a nice day." If someone took the time to greet me with kindness and respect with such a nice sentiment, I'll certainly return the sentiment and let them know it was appreciated.
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Re: Christmas at the workplace

Post by Murfreesboro » Fri Dec 22, 2023 4:29 pm

I like pot lucks, but since I don't work, I mostly enjoy them at church. We do them at the kick off to Sunday school in August, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. We also have soup suppers during Advent and Lent. Near Halloween there's a Fall Festival with various chilis and a costume parade for the kids. They can't wear scary stuff, but they are often quite imaginative.

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