I'm sure you've all heard of them before, but for those who haven't, these were the scariest books I'd ever read as a kid. The pictures alone send chills down the spine.
These are great for parties or bedtime.
Scary Stories to tell in the Dark - Alvin Schwartz
There's about 3 in the series now, and I think this year might be the 25th anniversary.
Linus: "Never jump into a pile of leaves with a wet sucker."
I think this is mentioned over in Halloween Entertainment...they are great books; I have the hardbound collection of all three volumes. For my kids' Halloween parties I would memorize Me-Ti-Do-Tee-Walker and scare the bageezus out of their friends.
Which is pretty challenging considering how your bageezus can get stuck up in your craw from time to time...
EEk I just got chills...I use to have all those books when I was a kid. Now I'm too scared to look at them! I knew what pictures were on each page and if i was afraid of a certain picture I would skip the page all together. Those are great books though!
OMG those books have ALWAYS scared me. Before I read them I thought they were going to be stupid (I was 9 and clueless) but after I read them I wasn't able to so to sleep till morning for a week! :shock:
Beware Beware your in for a scare
The chair is rocking but nobodies there
The owls are mocking the Ghost are stocking
Beware Beware your in for a scare!
Oh yeah, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark is a good series. An old time favorite is the one about the killer scarecrow, Harold. There were some people on the internet who were even going to make a short movie about it, and they were going to get somebody to play Harold.