by jadewik » Wed Sep 12, 2007 8:12 pm
When I was in 3rd grade, I had the tummy flu on Halloween. I had to stay home. That's not too bad... except my siblings came home bearing their prizes and telling me about the house that gave away soda or the house that gave away chocolate bars. I felt so left out. Plus, I didn't get to dress up. =(
... course, I did have Pneumonia on Halloween 2003 (my senior year of college). I had to work and I was going to be upset if some silly non-contagious (and very wearisome) sickness kept me from my Halloween plans! I had so much fun. I handed out pirate name tags with made-up pirate names to each of my co-workers... and I brought in candy that I handed out to customers who weren't retarded. I carved a pirate pumpkin which didn't win anything in the carving contest, but it did get on the cover of the employee newsletter-- how that works, I have no idea... though, it'd be nice if I actually WON a carving contest at some point. Then, we played wet floor sign+ rolling chair bowling... and saran wrapped co-workers to the register chairs... and played "stupid question" Bingo. Of course, we got all our work done first... I have to say, it was a blast. Though, I was so exhausted the next day... but I had Pneumonia on my side for the requisite ditching of class and not-doing homework that followed. =)