I figured the ghost probably got cold which adds to the haunt effect of the house. "Booooo buurrrrrr..."Murfreesboro wrote: ↑Tue Jan 14, 2025 7:16 am Well, the ones with the house are spookier. They do look a bit run down, and the windows.are dark. The smoke makes you wonder if some squatter or homeless person has taken up residence there. You start to spin a story when you look at them.
The autumnal cemeteries are more pleasant by contrast. They suggest a sunny autumn afternoon to me. The colorful trees are also pretty. A person might be visiting those cemeteries to put flowers on a grave, or maybe do some genealogical research, then go for a pumpkin spice latte or some hot chocolate.

And I suppose depending on the lore, ghosts are cold right? I mean, there's cold spots, and then I think in Casper the ghosts were cold...
Personally, I'm not a fan of AI. Sure there's a lot of good "AI art" out there, but as someone who does art for a hobby...well. I'm sure you can understand my mixed feelings on that issue.
Also, apologizing for "ghosting" y'all...(pun intended for sure!) I've just been busy lately. Work has been exhausting.
And we lost yet another cat...right on New Year's Eve.

We took my cat to get bloodwork at the local vet, as per recommendation from the emergency vet. And...turned out he had kidney failure. Kind of like Domino did. Except this time it was Talos. He lived a good long life but...it was hard to say goodbye. I just wanted 5 more years with him at least.
To add insult to injury, the bill added up to over $500. Yikes!
So that was rough to go through. We have two cats now, and I hope they continue to live happy, healthy lives.

I was talking about holidays with some other online friends, and thought I'd pop in to say hello.