by Kolchak » Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:53 pm
Gun Free Zone. What a joke....
I'm a criminal who has no intention of following the law and like all criminals I look for the weak and unprotected. So there I am driving around in my Escalade and looking to add to my collection of bling and I come upon a sign that says....Gun Free Zone.
Like pouring blood in a tank full of sharks. Ding-Ding-Ding! Hear that? That's the dinner bell ringing.
So I go in and rob the place. I can even kill the proprietor if I want because I know that in this city, if caught, tried and convicted, I will never have to worry about getting the death penalty or life without parole, because I can always say I was a poor kid from the mean streets and grew up without any hope. The media and special interest groups eat that up and they can always blame society for your screw ups, and get away with it.
My hatred for the media knows no bounds. How anybody can watch CNN, MSNBC or the other garbage networks and think they're getting the truth is beyond my comprehension. You have a better chance of finding Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster in your backyard than finding an objective and honest journalist.
I knew the coverage of the piece of filth who killed the Marines wouldn't last. Marines don't fall under the right group of people to feel sympathy for. Better to go out and find people that we can get more fake enraged mileage from. We can make up stuff about how they were treated, and demand money, reparations, loss of job, diversity learning and reeducation. If not then we can have our media-special interest approved lynching.
While the gutless politicians sit around and play with their fiddle.